Duration of Movies

Duration of LIRSA cover films

DURATION GUARANTEE: only if the user respects all of the conditions and advisements listed below, the Lirsa s.r.l. guarantees the minimum duration of its products in conformity to the european regulations UNI EN 13206, UNI EN 13207 and UNI EN 13655. Since UNI EN 13206 doesn’t correlate thickness with durability, and such a correlation is very important, an integration of the UNI EN 13206 has been done: Lirsa products must have the thickness related to the groups of belonging as in the following table in order to be guaranteed by the regulations.
Solo se l’utilizzatore rispetta le condizioni ed avvertenze d’uso indicate, la LIRSA srl garantisce le durate minime dei suoi prodotti in conformità alle norme europee UNI EN 13206, UNI EN 13207 e UNI EN 13655.

The guarantee’s effectiveness begins on the date of consignment of the Lirsa product to the first buyer. It’s necessary to remember that the plastic film is stabilized only and exclusively against the degrading action of the sunlight, and that nothing, or very little, can be done on the production level to prevent the film’s dete- rioration by other types of extraneous agents such as an inadequate structure, supporting materials or fixation and the use of chemical substances inside the greenhouse, that not only could be harmful for crops, but also could cause the undesiderable collateral effect of film’s deterioration that may be the cause of a film’s shorter durability.


Arrigoni è un gruppo italiano.

La sede di coordinamento del gruppo è ad Uggiate Trevano (CO). Le quattro unità produttive del gruppo insistono su un’area complessiva di mq 134.000; la superficie coperta è di mq. 50.000.

Arrigoni dispone di 9 linee di estrusione di filati ad alta tecnologia, 126 macchine tessili, 25 linee di converting, 8 linee per la produzione di agrofilm…